The People

Who are we? Other than ordinary people who like to cook? Well, we hope this page will answer that question briefly and to your satisfaction!


A 27-year old mother who loves her three daughters and her wonderful husband very much, Betsy could not cook much of anything when she got married unless it came in a can or a box – preferably with explicit directions printed on the back.


A 26-year old father of three who creates delicious food in the kitchen, Phred taught Betsy how to cook without using recipes and is frequently pushing the culinary envelope by combining different flavors and ingredients.

The Critics

The squirrels: The eldest is 4.5 years old, the middle is 2.5 years old, and the baby is nearly 6 months old! Very not-picky as far as children seem to go, they still have very particular tastes and will frequently love something the first or second time they have it only to hate it the next time and vice versa. Our most challenging critics on a regular basis.

The extended-family: Betsy’s mom, dad, two brothers, and sister. Let’s just say, we enjoy the challenge whenever they come over 🙂