The Food

Welcome to our beef blog! The purpose of this page is to let you know about the amazing food that is the inspiration for this blog and the wonderful farmers who grow that food.

In the middle of April 2010, our family purchased a lovely side of beef from Grass Fed Foods and we have been very pleased with the quality of the meat so far. Needless to say, we are very excited to begin cooking all these different cuts of meat! This blog is an effort to keep ourselves creative and to document our exploits for future reference as well as to share our culinary journey with anyone who is interested.

Although the focus of this blog will be what we do with the side of beef* we have purchased, we would also like to mention that the vast majority of the produce we eat comes from a local farm – Earthwize Farms near Aiken, SC – and we are just now beginning our second year as members of their CSA. When we lived in the Puget Sound region of Washington State we were members of Persephone Farm’s CSA for four years. We have been very happy with both CSAs and highly recommend both if any readers are in those areas. We also periodically get produce from Garden City Organics in downtown Augusta, GA and would like to take the time to recommend them as well!

We are currently residing in the Central Savannah River Area of the state of Georgia and those who are in very different climates will likely need to tweak our recipes if they are also growing or purchasing their produce locally. We will endeavor to include tips about what other vegetables would go well with dishes we make to help make that process simpler. We also believe in mainly using the food we have available rather than running to the store for every single ingredient which sometimes results in rather… interesting concoctions, but other times it results in amazing culinary masterpieces! We will be sure to let our readers know which category each recipe falls into 🙂

*One note – Our family does not eat meat every single day so we will try to post other items of interest in between writing about what we make with the beef.